Jump on free transportation on and around campus through Cat Tran. Get access to Lyft codes to go to grocery stores.
- Website: https://parking.arizona.edu/cattran/
- Location: See current routes
- Hours:
- Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from approximately 6:40am - 7:30pm. (Red route hours of operation: 3:55am - 7:30pm) (excluding University holidays and closures). Starting and end times for route service may vary by stop.
- Summer operations have limited bus service.
- Stay informed about detours, affected service routes, and real-time updates on the Transloc app or Cat Tran tracker.
- More Information: https://parking.arizona.edu/cattran/cat-tran-routes/
- Eligibility requirements:
- Free shuttle service for students, employees, and visitors
- Covers campus and Park & Ride locations
- Includes the Night Cat service for evening transportation
- No specific eligibility requirements beyond being part of the campus community
- Contact information:
- Phone: (520) 626-7275
- Email: PTS-ParkingInformation@email.arizona.edu
- Social media: